Aims and objectives

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The charity aims to help give relief to those in need, to further educational programs and also to promote the better aspects of our culture – our warmth, hospitality, dignity and sense of humour.

We do this by:

  • initiating and supporting long-term projects
  • holding events and functions that promote Arab culture
  • holding lectures and talks relating to Arab issues as part of our educational program
  • supporting the Esmat Al-Said school dedicated to teaching the Arabic language to children
  • donating towards, or sponsoring projects initiated by individuals and organisations

New trustees were elected at the January 2004 AGM to implement the charity’s objectives (as defined by the Scheme of July 2003) and to carefully disburse the charity’s monies to selected Arab causes and projects. The trustees felt that in order to maintain the charity as a going concern it was clearly important to protect the value of the fund and they therefore took the decision to fund raise for the main projects undertaken by the charity.

We have several long-term projects planned for which we are hoping to fund-raise:

  • we are currently working to help Palestinian amputees in the camps in Lebanon. Facilities and funding currently available to amputees are very fragmented and scarce and there is a dire need for centralised clinics specially designed to help them. Work on the assessment has already begun and we hope to have it completed by April 2005.
  • we are in discussion with organisations capable of effectively administering funds in Iraq as soon as the situation stabilizes. Projects we are considering include mental health rehabilitation to help those with physical and psychological trauma.
  • to promote Arab films in London – we feel that as we now have a whole generation of young Arabs who have grown up in the West, it is more important than ever for Westerners to gain a sympathetic insight into the Arab mind.